Jake Dudson

SWOT Analysis

What is a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is an overview of an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is usually displayed into a 2x2 grid. The SWOT analysis can help startup businesses or existing ones.

What does SWOT stand for?

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

Explain the purpose of each element?

Strengths: Strengths are what your organisation does well or does better than a competitor. Another strength could be what can your organization supply that others can’t. This is supposed to highlight what you are good at and should continue doing.

Weaknesses: Weaknesses are opposite of strengths, they are what your organization fails or underperforms in an area. A trueful SWOT analysis will always be more beneficial. This is meant to show what you should improve on.

Opportunities: This element is supposed to show what you can do to your organization to have a positive effect. Opportunities are usually from an external source so employees should keep an eye out for them.

Threats: Threats are anything that can negatively affect the organisation. This element is supposed to highlight what is going to have a negative impact and how you can avoid it.

What are the benefits of undertaking a SWOT analysis?

Spot opportunities to boost the organization.

Highlight what can affect the organization.

Prevent threats before it's too late.

Take advantage of strengths

Understanding of the organization increases.

Address weaknesses.

Who should do a SWOT Analysis?

Company heads should be deeply involved in the swot analysis and should have a diverse group with different opinions on the business. People conducting the analysis could look to outside sources for opinions and ways to improve.

For each element, identify or state at least three questions that you could ask ?


Q1 | What area is gaining the most profits?

Q2 | What do you offer that no one else does?

Q3 | Is the connection between you and the customers positive?


Q1 | What area is gaining/losing the least amount of profits?

Q2 | What areas productivity is the lowest?

Q3 | Do we need more staff?


Q1 | Is there a demand for your product somewhere?

Q2 | Is there a need that we could meet?

Q3 | Can you take competitors customers by offering something they don’t?


Q1 | Is there another company with the same product?

Q2 | Is there a target market? Is it small?

Q3 | Do you have a risk of being hacked?

Produce a SWOT analysis for an organisation e.g. Amazon, Facebook