Jake Dudson

Job Roles and Skills

Identify at least ten job roles within the games industry
  1. Online Engineer
  2. Weapon Gameplay Animator
  3. UX Designer
  4. Production Coordinator
  5. Level Designer
  6. Sound Designer
  7. Accountant
  8. Business Analyst
  9. Gameplay Animator
  10. Gameplay/AI Programmer

For at least five of the job roles - state the salary scales and the skills required to fulfil that role.

1. Gameplay/Ai Programmer - £19K - £41K

Skills: Solid C++ skills, Strong math skills, great at problem solving.

2. Level Designer: - £19.5 - £22.1K

Skills: Experience with 3D design, communication skills.

3. Online Engineer: - £50.5 - 80.7K

Skills: Proficiency in C/C++, Excellent knowledge of algorithms, Good understanding of network protocols

4. Accountant: - £27 - £52.5K

Skills: Analytic ability, high level of numeracy, self-motivated.

5. Gameplay Animator: - £49K - £51K

Skills: Bring innovation and resolution to technical problems, Exceptional skills in animating the human figure, Positive, solution-oriented individual.

Select one job role that you are possibly interested in and then self reflect on whether you have the right skills to perform that job role. What skills do you need to acquire to be able to fulfil that job role. You should also explain how you intend to gain them skills.

Gameplay/Ai Programmer

Skills - Source = Rockstar Games

  • • Solid C++ programming skills.
  • • Strong math skills, knowledge of vectors, matrices and linear algebra.
  • • Excellent problem-solving ability.
  • • Great team communication skills.
  • • Passion for playing and creating cutting edge video game experiences.

These skills are what Rockstar games looks for in an employee. I myself have 2 maybe three of these skills. I have a strong passion for playing and creating games. Plus I am rather good at math. However, I can work in a group confidently but may go off track. Best way to improve this is to focus more with a stronger work ethic.

I am a novice when it comes to C++ but I am picking it up quickly and hopefully will be able to create a fully working script used for a game in the months to come. Another area I need to improve on is my problem solving skills, I can solve them quickly but sometimes I could spend hours fixing a problem when it could be just a misspelled word.

At the moment in time I do not have the required skills but with determination and a strong mind set anything I want to do can be accomplished.